Party politics and local government should not mix.
It wastes time, talent and your money.
At Surrey County Council, Residents’ Councillors form an effective and strong team. We are embedded in our communities and effectively influence others on matters of concern to residents.
Better forward planning to ensure enough school places local to residents.
Promote coordination of our hospitals with social care facilities.
Improve existing infrastructure (roads, schools, GP surgeries) and ensure sufficient provision in any future developments.
Work with our Borough Councillors to help preserve the local Green Belt.
Press Conservative-controlled Surrey County Council for open, competent financial management, following the damning independent CIPFA* report on its finances.
* Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
Your Residents' Association County Councillor has worked hard to achieve a better environment in Long Ditton, Thames Ditton and Weston Green
Ensured that the Parking Survey for The Dittons was comprehensive by walking the entire patch with a member of the Surrey County Council Parking Team. The proposals have been agreed by over 80% of those who responded to the consultation.
Actively helped Long Ditton residents obtain approval for a School Safety Measure outside the Infants School and St Mary’s School.
Ensured funding provided in Long Ditton to rectify the hazardous 'blind' junction at the exit from Rushett Road for pedestrians crossing Ewell Road to the Recreation Ground.
Through the funding allocation system, supported over a dozen projects across The Dittons, including the Thames Ditton Christmas Fair, Christmas lights in Long Ditton, The Arts project in Weston Green - Through an Artist’s Eye. Assisted in the funding of a new drama studio at Hinchley Wood School where many of our children spend their formative years.
Secured funding for a covered cycle rack at Thames Ditton station.
Nick Darby is concerned with the future of
Long Ditton, Thames Ditton and Weston Green

Married with 3 adult children, Nick has lived in the Dittons for over 20 years. He's had a successful career as a solicitor, his work including helping small businesses.
As a keen walker on the Elmbridge Commons, he has taken a close interest in the recent consultation on Elmbridge's Local Plan, particularly relating to the Long Ditton 'Area 58', and he strongly supports retaining its Green Belt status.
Also of great concern to Nick are the deficiencies in social care, especially in relation to elderly patients' delayed hospital discharge.
Locally, he has been involved for some years with Thames Ditton Cricket Club, and can be seen on summer Saturdays umpiring or scoring matches on Giggs Hill Green.
A Message from Nick
12 Basing Close
Thames Ditton Tel: 020 8398 2382
Dear Resident,
I'm standing as the Residents' candidate for The Dittons as I believe Councillors should represent those who elect them, rather than be bound by the instructions of a national political party.
Like all Residents' Councillors, I will provide effective and practical work in the community to get the best solutions in these straightened times. Working closely with officials and colleagues is vital to get results. The best example of this must be the question of Social Care. Coordination between the various agencies and providers is essential. It isn't just a question of throwing Council taxpayers' money at a creaking system.
Proper coordination is also essential in relation to highways, schools and doctors surgeries, as well as public transport. This is especially relevant on the planning side, with a new Local Plan for Elmbridge imminent. We undoubtedly need more of the right type of housing, but everything around it must be in place at the right time, not promised for the future, then forgotten.
If you feel that national parties do not serve local government well, then I hope to have your support on Thursday 4th May. If so, I look forward to continuing Residents' representation in Surrey, and getting to know and listening to many of you in Long Ditton, Thames Ditton and Weston Green.
Nick Darby