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Hampton Court Estate unitsPlanning application for 3 to 4-storey buildings with 78 flats on the Hampton Court Trading Estate found to have too many deficiencies. 

Thanks to the diligent work of our TD & WG Residents’ Association ward Councillors, Karen Randolph and Caroline James, the planning application for a large development at Hampton Court Trading Estate (2019/2005) was refused earlier this week. After many hours of planning, reading and site visits Karen and Caroline made thought-provoking presentations to the Planning Committee at Elmbridge Borough Council on Tuesday evening, sparking a lot of debate and leading to it being overwhelmingly refused by the committee.

 Whilst our need for housing is recognised, it must be of good design and not be overbearing. This proposal was out of scale, the design was urban and it lacked decent outside amenity space for its future residents. Also of great concern was the access from Summer Road only; our Councillors argued that the developer should have worked more closely with Surrey County Council to include another entrance off Hampton Court Way. The impact on air quality in an already worrying Air Quality Management area was also a significant factor for many.

 Special thanks must go to the Summer Road Action Group whose tireless work over many months provided a lot of information for our Councillors.

 A webcast of the planning meeting can be viewed at: